Transit & Life Cycle Reading
The Transit & Life Cycle reading helps you better understand what themes and energies will unfold at this time and in the coming year. Whether you are going through a period of change, stress or self-discovery, this reading supports you in finding direction and gives you practical tools to live in alignment with your authentic self.
The Transit & Life Cycle Reading is for you if:
You are going through times of uncertainty, stress or life transitions and want to find direction again and feel supported.
You are on a path of self-discovery and are looking for insight into your life path so you can live more in alignment with your authentic self.
What is happening in my life right now? This reading is not a prediction of the future, but offers astrological guidance on how to navigate current and upcoming cycles in your life. We look at the position of the planets and how they create specific energies and dynamics in relation to your natal chart.
The reading looks at the themes and cycles that will unfold in your life right now and in the coming year. Do you prefer a deep analysis of your unique astrological blueprint? Then I am happy to refer you to the Cosmic Blueprint Reading.
During the reading I use various astrological techniques: transits, solar returns, profections, eclipses and sec. progressions (whole house system). In addition, I use tarot and numerology to further support the themes discussed. The combination of these methods provides an in-depth and comprehensive look at your current life cycles. This reading is a perfect birthday gift for yourself or a loved one!
This reading provides greater insight into:
Understanding what has happened in your life recently, what to learn from it and how to work practically with these energies and use them to your advantage.​
The reading helps you to see what themes will unfold in the coming year in different areas of life (career, family, love, home, emotional...) to support your personal development.
Discover the best times to make important decisions or take aligned action (e.g. launching a project, finding a partner, traveling, parenting, moving, starting your business..).
Feel more confidence in and acceptance of the unfolding of your path by realizing that you are exactly where you need to be in life. There is divine timing for everything.
A Transit & Life Cycle Reading is a live reading, online or in person at my home sanctuary in Bertem, and is valued at €120.
When making the appointment, I kindly ask to transfer half of the amount. Since an astrological reading requires a lot of preparation time (+- 3 hours), this mutual investment ensures that precious hours are not lost.
During the reading, you are the expert and I create a safe space in which you feel seen and acknowledged. It is up to you to sense what resonates for you, which is why we also engage in conversation to see how these different energies might manifest on your path. You are always welcome to ask me questions afterwards.
Follow up through coaching sessions are possible.
Each reading is prepared with great care, love and discretion.