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How to Navigate Eclipse Season in the Aries-Libra Axis 2024

Foto van schrijver: Romy HobergerRomy Hoberger

Your guide to survive this wonky astrological weather

In 2024, the lunar nodes will be in the Aries-Libra axis, with the North Node in Aries symbolizing the energy we embrace and the South Node in Libra signifying the energy we release.

• The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is set for March 25 (8:13 CET) in Libra

• A Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th (20:18 CET) in Aries

The Aries - Libra axis

Aries-Libra axis, South Node, Penumbral Lunar Eclipse... Say what?! Let's break it down in human language before I lost you already ;-).

In astrology, the North Node and South Node are not planets, but points of intersection between the Moon's orbit and the ecliptic (path of the Sun). They are considered our "karmic axis," representing our evolutionary path.

  • North Node: Symbolizes our destiny, where we're heading, and the skills we need to develop in this lifetime. It's often referred to as our "life purpose" or "soul's calling."

  • South Node: Represents our comfort zone, past experiences, and natural talents. It can also indicate past-life karma or ingrained habits that might hold us back.

The North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra has been in effect since July 2023 and lasts until July 2027.

North Node in Aries:

  • Aries is a fire sign known for its independence, pioneering spirit, confidence, and drive for action.

  • With the North Node in Aries, there's a collective emphasis on:

    • Self-discovery: Embracing our individuality and unique talents.

    • Taking initiative: Going after what we want and asserting ourselves authentically.

    • Developing courage and assertiveness: Stepping out of our comfort zone and taking calculated risks.

    • Focusing on "I" instead of "We": While Libra (South Node) emphasizes relationships and partnerships, Aries prioritizes individual growth and purpose.

South Node in Libra:

  • Libra is an air sign known for diplomacy, cooperation, seeking harmony, and a desire for balance.

  • The South Node in Libra suggests a past emphasis on:

    • Relationships and partnerships: This might have been a source of comfort and validation in the past.

    • People-pleasing: Prioritizing the needs of others over our own.

    • Seeking balance and avoiding conflict: This can sometimes lead to indecision or neglecting our own needs.

Eclipses along the Aries-Libra axis can bring changes and revelations in our partnerships, both personal and professional, as well as in how we assert ourselves in the world while maintaining harmony with those around us. It’s an opportunity to find alignment between our individual goals (Aries) and the dynamics of our relationships (Libra), ultimately fostering growth, understanding, and balance in our lives.

Manifesting during an eclipse may not yield the best results as unexpected events can set things in motion (the universe might have different plans for you). It’s a period for letting go and having profound realizations for the upcoming six and twelve months. Eclipses are about shaping your future, so it’s wise to invite new beginnings into your life once you’ve absorbed the energy and lessons from each eclipse.

This is an ideal moment for growth and accepting whatever comes your way. If things are going to be shaken up in your life in the near future, you feel chaotic and don't know where to go, knowing about the eclipse season can bring clarity and understanding. Remember, the universe has your back and wants only the best for you, even though it may not seem so at first.

Aries and Libra

Penumbral Lunar Eclipe in Libra

The penumbral lunar eclipse happens on March 25th at 8:13 AM CET. When a penumbral lunar eclipse occurs, the Moon passes through the Earth’s faint outer shadow (penumbra), causing a slight dimming of its brightness, but not a complete darkening. This happens almost at the same as the Full Moon in Libra occurs, with a time frame of 13 minutes difference.

Eclipses activate the lunar nodes, guiding us toward our destiny. The South Node represents past attachments that no longer serve you. With the South Node in Libra, it invites us to release unconscious patterns you might repeat in relationships (romantic, professional, or personal). The Lunar Eclipse in Libra sheds its light on unhealthy relationship patterns, people pleasing tendencies or codependent behaviors. Important questions to ask yourself are:

Are you overly compromising? Do you struggle with setting boundaries? Are some relationships one-sided? Do you prioritize others’ needs over your own? Are your current relationships balanced and fulfilling?

This is a time to become aware of these tendencies. The things or people that are not serving your higher purpose, will be revealed. Don’t fight any change that is happening, surrender to the process that these things happen in order to align with your true purpose. This is an opportunity to seek a more balanced & healthy dynamic in your life.

The specific influence of this eclipse depends on your individual birth chart, particularly the placement of Libra in your chart.

Your Lunar Eclipse Theme (check your rising sign)

Aries: Retreat, inner psyche, spirituality, shadow work

Taurus: Community, friends, dreams, vision

Gemini: Vocation, career, public image, achievement

Cancer: Adventure, learning, philosophy, personal growth

Leo: Mental health, transformation, intimacy, trust

Virgo: Relationships, cooperation, romance, commitment

Libra: Daily routine, work, health, service, wellness

Scorpio: Creative expression, joy, passion, playfulness

Sagittarius: Home, family, nurturing, roots

Capricorn: Communication, learning, expression, local events

Aquarius: Money, values, self-worth, personal resources

Pisces: Self-image, identity, personal goals, expression

Lunar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

A Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th at 8:18 pm CET brings potent energies of new beginnings, initiative, and assertiveness. Solar eclipses occur during New Moons when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily blocking out the Sun's light. This astronomical event symbolizes a powerful reset and a significant shift in energy, both on a personal and collective level.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries amplifies the energy of the North Node, further emphasizing themes of stepping out of our comfort zone, taking action, prioritizing our personal needs and following our own path with confidence and determination.

It can act as a catalyst for initiating new endeavors aligned with your authentic self. It can also push you to shed the Libra-like tendencies of people-pleasing or seeking constant external approval. The North Node represents our growth edge, so there might be some discomfort as you step outside your comfort zone (South Node).

Your reminders for the total Solar Eclipse in Aries: 

  • Step into your power

  • Take courageous action

  • Cultivate healthy boundaries

  • Assert yourself authentically

  • Engage in relationships that support your growth and self-expression

The specific influence of this eclipse depends on your individual birth chart, particularly the placement of Aries in your chart.

Your Solar Eclipse Theme (check your rising sign)

Aries: Self-image, identity, personal goals, expression

Taurus: Money, values, self-worth, work ventures

Gemini: Communication, learning, short journeys, local events

Cancer: Home, family, nurturing, roots, inner world

Leo: Creative expression, dating, passion, playfulness

Virgo: Daily routine, work, health, service, wellness

Libra: Relationships, cooperation, romance, commitment

Scorpio: Mental health, intimacy, trust, transformation

Sagittarius: Adventure, learning, philosophy, personal growth

Capricorn: Vocation, career, public image, achievement

Aquarius: Community, friends, dreams, visions

Pisces: Shadow work, letting go, inner psyche, spirituality

Solar Eclipse

Balancing Independence & Relationships

The dynamic between the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra highlights the importance of finding a balance between independence and interdependence in our relationships.

The North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra creates a tension. We're called to develop our Aries qualities (assert our individuality and pursue our personal goals, independence & assertiveness) while potentially needing to release overreliance on unhealthy Libra's traits (people-pleasing, excessive focus on others).

This transit might nudge you to:

  • Pursue a passion project you've been putting off.

  • Express your needs and desires more openly.

  • Set healthy boundaries in relationships.

  • Develop your leadership skills and take charge of your life.

  • Become more comfortable with conflict and standing up for yourself.

By understanding this astrological influence, you can be more aware of the areas where you might need to develop your Aries qualities and let go of Libra-like tendencies that no longer serve you.

Even though the Aries energy calls for new beginnings, taking action and showing your assertive self, it may feel like something is holding you back. This is because we are in the middle of the eclipse season. In addition, we must not forget that it is Mercury Retrogade from April 1-25, which makes for even more wonky feelings. The message is to above all not force anything and be guided by your intuition, tuning into to your body's signals. After the Solar Eclipse, more clarity might arrive in your life and a clear vision might settle. Therefore it is important to figure out what you want to pursue in your life at this moment. The energy of the eclipse can be a good catalyst for a new beginning on your path.

As you absorb the energy and lessons from each eclipse, invite new beginnings into your life, shaping a future that aligns with your true purpose and highest potential. While the eclipse might bring challenges or push you out of your comfort zone, it ultimately serves as an opportunity for growth and positive transformation.

I hope this blog post gave you more clarity about the path you're meant to take for this period. Let it sink in, feel all the feels, and remember: a relaxed mind is a creative mind.

Big hug, Romy

Sun and Moon



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